Friday, January 05, 2007

Well Happy New Year Everyone! The month of December seems to have flashed by in the blink of an eye. We got back on Monday from another wonderful trip to see Omi and Opi in Florida, and spend another silly Christmas with them. Steph and the girls also had a awesome visit with Grandma and Grandpa, even going so far as to wrestle Crocs!! The girls had a blast and were almost left there, but the grandparents weren't having it. I even got to go on a 2 day kayaking trip through the Everglades with my Dad and sleep out under the stars and get a sweet astronomy lesson (star map and all, thanks dad ) So anyway we're back in the NY after a longa-- drive and already a week has slipped by! I'll edit and post picture from December and our trip this weekend and do a nice visual update. Until then I just wanted to wish a happy healthy and safe New Year to one and all!