Sunday, April 29, 2007

These falls are located right were you park the car and the whole spot looks to be a fine swimming hole. I'll let you know as soon as the weather gets warmer.

I will be jumping from up there!! oh I will.

The girls hamming it up at the tree farm
Got Leaf? Got leaves?
This sucker was at the bottom of the falls. I mean sucker quite literally since this is a sucker fish. Rosie wanted to see the fishies and with the polarized galsses you could see them clearly. Us leaving! we made it.

So about two weeks ago we went to Doodletown. What is Doodletown you ask? Doodletown is what's left of a small town right by Bear Mt. in Harriman State Park. There are roads, cemeteries (2), water treatment facility, power lines and foundations. Basic story was that it was a very old town and one year the state got the idea to open a ski resort there. They bought out whom they could and forced out the rest. Ski resort thing never happened, so the park rangers rented out the houses for about 30 years. that ended and they bull dozed every thing. What's left over is pretty interesting, especially the tree farm on top of the mountain. Now pretty much a forest in itself, just with a peculiar bunch of spices. The place is cool in the fact that it's nice to see how nature will always take back over once the human element is removed. Oh and the kids like it, so score!
I hope you guys can enlarge this pic, then you can see the layout of the place on the bottom there.
This pic was taken on top in the tree nursery. If you look closely at the tree next to us, you will see it's a scratching post for something, bear or maybe mountain lion. buy what ever it was I do believe it's been to my house cause that tree and my couch look awful similar.
Never, ever turn your back on o bored Ella Jean... ever!
Can you find Waldo in thin picture? hint: Waldo is the Caterpillar.
Doodle town also comes with this state of the art abandoned water treatment facility. Which I have to say is still in very good shape, with only minor vandalism and much of the stuff inside, well, still inside! um... or so I'm told.
More Facility.
Yet more facilityyup you guessed it....more facility

This here is the damn (hehehe) right out side the water treatment building
this is the little lake that is formed by the dam we have seen many fish there but have yet to dip in the lines. Maybe this year. It's funny, to the right of the picture, at the far end one of the old streets actually runs right through the lake you can see it under about three ft of water with it's divider lines still shiny yellow.
a salamander soaks in the sun.what I looked like that week
A Doodletown flower.
This little thing was actually behind one of the houses and my guess the former occupants used it to harness the mighty drip of the mountain, i.e. trinkling stream. Steph thought it might be part of some water feature that they had in their garden.
Lots of animal tracks, like I said we weren't sure what it used to be, but it's a watering hole now!
Smiles! :)

Little Noodle, this cat is so chill that she just sat like this, to the roaring laughter of the girls for about 5 minutes. But can she hunt??
Dwarf iris. First year I've grown them and I have to say I'm a big fan. Plant only gets to be about 5 to 6 inches big. Awesome colors.
These are snow drops and they actually came home with us last year from Doodle Town, where we found one plant in a wash out and performed alittle 911 action and saved it. Well weren't we handsomely rewarded. One Plant turned into about seven, and next year...who knows!

Just a little reminder that spring is here, the always lovely Crocus!
Antother variety.
EJ in a box.
Alright, well that worked for once guess I will do an update then.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Alright what's there to say, I can't get this blogger thing to work. Used to be I could upload three or four pictures @ a time and then, when I uploaded again nothing would happen. Pictures would just say they were loading and then nothing. I will try one more time, but I tried to upload the last image three times before it took. ONE PICTure! Oh well. Here goes....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

this is the first thing you see when you get out of your car and walk tword the house. Says allot