Saturday, November 29, 2008

Alright, so we had those bunch of really warm days in mid October and the girls and I decided it would be a good time to get some hiking done. We chose to tackle a 5 mile hike that took us around Sterling Lake, in you guessed it, Sterling NY (the place thats famous for it's Resonance Festival). The hike ranged from beginner to some more intermediate trails with a lunch spot that was quite the payoff for our efforts. Also I'd like to say that both girls troop though the whole day without one complait or moan, I was quite the proud daddy!
This quite large guy or girl, greated us when we came to the visitor center. He was dead center in the road so Rosie decided he needed to be saved, and so he was. He was so grateful he gave us really good directions.
Pointing the way!!!
On the balcony of the visitor center, That's Sterling Lake in the background.
I'd put it maybe one quarter mile into the hike EJ stumbles upon this Rat snake... this rather large rat snake. No fear, she then proceeded to mess with the rather large rat snake, which later told to us by a very nice ranger are harmless.
The results of EJ's attention, um does that look harmless to anyone???
The fearless adventurers!
Got Chestnut?
This could be an add for the park!  I mean really couldn't it?
Part of the trail was an old logging road that ran along the crest of a mountain next to the lake. It came after a pretty tough part of the trail and was a welcome site!
Sisters pose with the lake and nature. Got to love um!
Got Moss?
This is the end of Sterling Lake and where we decide to stop for lunch. With the sun and the fall colors all around us we could not have asked for more.
Girls posing with Lunch! Yahoo! this spot incidentally is about 2.75 miles from the start.
My Rosie-bean finds some deer prints in the sand.
Sister pose with the Lake.
Giddy up little rocky!!!
Where my sister climbs I will follow!!!!
Found these mushrooms on a hillside by the lake, they were sautede with butter and bacon and devoured that evening
Family photo at the end of the lake.
Rosie trying to build us a shortcut back across the lake.
EJ enjoys a healthy snack after lunch
The day was sunny and warm and we even got some teenagers to give us a demonstration of a potato cannon they had built and were shooting across the lake ( very cool thanks guys!) it was a wonderful day only made more special that I got to spend it with my girls.