Friday, February 09, 2007

Alright, My rosie is sick and home with me today, so my outside the house chores will have to go on hold. Did all my inside stuff yesterday, except the laundry which will be done after lunch. SSSSOOOOO!!!! with a little time on my hands here, finally, is an update. These pictures are from last summer through this year (present time, for all U time travelers). They are not in order of time but in the order of upload. Don't worry it makes perfect sense to me. I'll try not to let the blog updates get so far in between, but hey you get what you pay for!!
As we were driving down to Florida this past summer we stopped at rest stop in Georgia, and I do believe it was actually RJ (our dog) who found this little guy. He was about the size of a large carpenter ant and very aggressive. He also made a sound like a Mexican maracca (is that how you spell it?) being shaken any time RJ got to close. If you look close this any like creature also appears to be furry? If anyone has any clue as to what this guy is please let me know!!
An African Iris behind my mom's house, I'd have taken one too, but the aren't hardy like the ones I have at home. Relative to the Louisiana Iris I believe.
Still beautiful though!

These next bunch and most of the wildlife ones that follow are from this road the my dad showed me in the Everglades called Loop Road. I've been there 3 times now and even when there's nothing much around, there's still a lot to see!! These guys above are Florida gars, I used to have them in a fish tank back in NY, and never realized they could get so big.

These two raccoons crossed the road in front of my father and I, them climbed a tree, so they could observe us better. They even pulled out some nuts and bananas and started to try and feed us. Guess they didn't see the signs not to feed the "Mildlife".

Very much not caring that we were only about 6 ft away!! This one was taunting us and throwing rocks at my dad. We reported him to the ranger, who laughed and told us to leave... Immediately

I know it my be surprising to everyone but we saw a whole bunch of these.
Crocs O Plenty in the Everglades. This one was sunning himself at a rest stop right before the turn off to Loop road.
This one chilling under a sign that said no camping on loop road! Enforcement I guess.

This juvenile was sunning himself at closed camping area right after Loop road.
Didn't like the looks of us I guess.
Or maybe he did!?!?!?
Rosie saved this little frog from my parents pool this summer, they tend to fall in and then drown because they can't get back out. This one was less then a centimeter big, but was big on cuteness!!!

One of the only pictures I have of the day we spent with Grandma and Grandpa (steph's) at the Naples zoo. What a wonderful day we had. That night I got back to the house and my memory card encoutered a glitch and I lost nearly a hundred picture. I shed quite a few tears, but this cute one survived and so here it is.

Stephanie took this on on Loop Road in the Everglades.

Another picture of Kermit.

This soft shell turtle was layin it's eggs right on the side of Loop rd. It really could have cared less that we were there and was very focused on the job at hand!

The Family and the hudson river in the fall!!

This pics from this past summer,although it looks like a snake it's really a legless lizard, found while walking the dogs. We were all set on keeping it and then my Mom guilted me into letting it go.

Another shot

The orchids I gave my Moms for Xmas.

Mother and daughter share a moment video game free.

Two little magical Creatures.

What I looked like that week, don't look like that no more!

This Osprey was enjoying a snack when we happened upon it! See the little fishies tail?

The great adventures Posing for a pic!!
Now I have one of these standing in my living room, it's only about 3 ft tall. I thought that the called them rubber TREE plants just to be nice, never knew they actually grew to be trees!!!
Only a face a mother could love, kind of like me!

We spotted this guy from the van right before we put the kayaks in the water. We actually drove past him and then backed up and thankfully he stayed put and let me take pictures without fleeing or attacking, what an animal.

Power personified!!
My kayaking instructor, Michael Gante.

I only had to help him ot of the shallows once or twice. Okay maybe three or four.
Someone crazy must have thought these dwellings up. Not only were they on this remote tip called cape coral, but they were built way to close to the beach area, which I'm sure was further away when they started. Looking like something out of starwars these long abandoned structures serve as a stark reminder.... some people are just plain stupid!
My Papi relaxing by the great fire his son built. Had a great night drinking wine and having wonderful conversation. Also got some real good lessons in astronamy, we were blessed with starry skies and my dad even remembered to bring his map of the stars and constellations. After a tough day out on the water it was a nice way to wind down.
Our accomidations!
The chilly beautiful morning!
A Osprey in its nest, wondering why this New Yorker with the camera is getting so close!!!
My double Amerillis, flowers never cease to amaze me.

The girls and me at Sterling Forest NY in January, EJ just let one rip! we thought it was very funny, we are very easily amused! Was a very nice hike that day, We acctually did more of the AP trail ( Appalacian Trail ) I also picked up a hitch hicker whom stuck with me for 2 days, a dear tick. He is no longer with us.
If you know my wife than you know how rare this picture is. She does not play video games, but on this day she just decided to vegitate with rosie at her side, I think she even won the game! you go Mommy!!!
My Rock and Roll little girl. Makes my heart swell with pride!!

Since I can't plant in the winter, I figured I'd start cooking. This dish is hammered chicken stuffed with spinach, feta cheese and various herbs, then wrapped in bacon to keep it moist in the oven. This served with pan seared asparagus and homemade creamed corn. ;) Mmmmm!!!!!!!
The revamped cieling. I do believe that we will just be keeping this area white as to not loose the detail of the woodwork and make it to busy for the eye. Walls will be painted and then the room will be accented with various plants... yeah plants, go figure.

Well here's the new ceiling fan that I installed. I liked these blade because they sort of matched the beaded board and wains cotting in the kitchen
Primed and waiting for it's new coat of paint, I wonder if stay at home moms have to go through this? ;)
My Dad told me when he came to America 40 years ago, northern America in particular, had many many of these large woodpeckers. Then as the years went by he couldn't find them anywhere and thought that they had simply gone extinct. So I was pretty surprised when I looked out the living room window and saw this one feeding at our tree. Very large bird I think this one was over a foot long. There you go Papi!
What A sky, this one captured at the lake in back of thier house in Fl. by either my mom or my dad, they both told me that they did it, so I can't be to sure whom to give the credit!
Amazing colors!
My Mami chilling out at the beach.

By Dad found this little guy by the lake.

Everything is okay after a good cry and a good hug, same goes for adults!