Friday, February 09, 2007

Rosie saved this little frog from my parents pool this summer, they tend to fall in and then drown because they can't get back out. This one was less then a centimeter big, but was big on cuteness!!!

One of the only pictures I have of the day we spent with Grandma and Grandpa (steph's) at the Naples zoo. What a wonderful day we had. That night I got back to the house and my memory card encoutered a glitch and I lost nearly a hundred picture. I shed quite a few tears, but this cute one survived and so here it is.

Stephanie took this on on Loop Road in the Everglades.

Another picture of Kermit.

This soft shell turtle was layin it's eggs right on the side of Loop rd. It really could have cared less that we were there and was very focused on the job at hand!

The Family and the hudson river in the fall!!

This pics from this past summer,although it looks like a snake it's really a legless lizard, found while walking the dogs. We were all set on keeping it and then my Mom guilted me into letting it go.

Another shot

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