Friday, February 09, 2007

My Papi relaxing by the great fire his son built. Had a great night drinking wine and having wonderful conversation. Also got some real good lessons in astronamy, we were blessed with starry skies and my dad even remembered to bring his map of the stars and constellations. After a tough day out on the water it was a nice way to wind down.
Our accomidations!
The chilly beautiful morning!
A Osprey in its nest, wondering why this New Yorker with the camera is getting so close!!!
My double Amerillis, flowers never cease to amaze me.

The girls and me at Sterling Forest NY in January, EJ just let one rip! we thought it was very funny, we are very easily amused! Was a very nice hike that day, We acctually did more of the AP trail ( Appalacian Trail ) I also picked up a hitch hicker whom stuck with me for 2 days, a dear tick. He is no longer with us.
If you know my wife than you know how rare this picture is. She does not play video games, but on this day she just decided to vegitate with rosie at her side, I think she even won the game! you go Mommy!!!
My Rock and Roll little girl. Makes my heart swell with pride!!

Since I can't plant in the winter, I figured I'd start cooking. This dish is hammered chicken stuffed with spinach, feta cheese and various herbs, then wrapped in bacon to keep it moist in the oven. This served with pan seared asparagus and homemade creamed corn. ;) Mmmmm!!!!!!!

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